Remembering Nana

January 5, 2017 — Leave a comment

One of the earliest influences on my writing was my grandmother. We would write poetry and play word games together before I was old enough to start school. She’d type letters to me on her typewriter. Today is the anniversary of her birth, and I thought I’d share a little poem that she’d recite to me when I was small. She came from a family of eleven brothers and sisters. That experience taught her not to waste even a scrap of food. Although my grandfather was a doctor and could afford to feed the family well, she’d find a use for all leftovers. A spoonful of vegetables would be made into soup. Milk nearing expiration would be made into pudding. Extra bread would be fed to the birds or made into stuffing. This poem made a huge impression on me, and I hope you’ll share it with the children in your life.

Do Not Throw Upon The Floor

Do not throw upon the floor

The food you cannot eat,

For many a little hungry child

Would think it quite a treat.

Willful waste makes woeful want,

And you may live to see the day

You wished you had that piece of bread

That you once threw away.

— Anna G. (my Nana)

Until next time,

Write something you love! — Joanne


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